Saturday, October 6, 2012

Pamela Frank

This is Pamela Frank, she's one of the main characters in the paranormal story that I am currently working on. She is best friends with Xander Payne, when the story starts she becomes a spirit and haunts Xander. 
Story focus: you see her cope with the fact that she is a ghost and why this happened to her.

the photo above is an early concept of Pamela, (hence the rough design of her) and for the most part turned out well.

For the second concept I'm showing you is pretty recent, with the lines touched up and more smooth. for this one I put more emphasis on her clothes, body and face. Trying to put more of her into perspective, I even tried throwing in a small background to help.

I plan on posting more characters and drawings of characters, to help the people gain a perspective of the story.

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